Showing 12 of 1085 results
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Nga-6/25, Bet; 62 St. and 63 St. & Bet; Khaing Shwe Wah St. and Gaw Thazin St., Myo Thit (3),, Chan Mya Tharsi Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-977647002, 02-4081057
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Sabai St., Nan Taw Yar San Pya Kwet ThitHman Tan Ward,, Amarapura Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-2027822, 09-441000774, 09-789121757
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Pa Pa-4/89, 51th St., Between 110th St. [Manaw Hari St.] and 111th St. [Hninn Si St.], Hton Tone Myoe Thit,, Chan Mya Tharsi Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-43128168, 09-91046822, 09-400520473
Sand, Brick & Aggregates, Construction Services
323, Merchant St., Kon Tan Ward,, Sittwe Township, Rakhine State , Myanmar
09-8500492, 09-8500480, 09-421711556, 09-421766624
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Pha An-Mawlamyaing Rd., Ward(4),, Hpa-An Township, Kayin State , Myanmar
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Ya-17, Nawarat St, No(8)Ward, Yat Kwet Gyi(8),, Pyin Oo Lwin Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-256277526, 09-428322962
Cement, Sand, Brick & Aggregates
11th St., Myoth Ma West Ward,, Myittha Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-2150143, 09-43034080, 09-798609476
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
12th St., Between 86th St. and 87th St., Pyi Gyi Yan Lon,, Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-441020279, 09-798579812
Concrete [Ready-Mix], Concrete Products, Sand, Brick & Aggregates
65th St., Between 114th St. [Waitharli St.] and 115th St. [Tharyarwaddy Min Gyi St.], Ka Gyi Ward,, Pyigyi Tagon Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Pyaw Bwe-Naumauk St, Shwe Pyi Yanlon Ward,, Pyawbwe Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
064-49354, 09-33544571, 064-49352, 09-43076532
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Da Dway-8, 66th St., Between 38th St. and 39th St., Maha Myaing (1),, Maha Aung Myay Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-402523088, 09-402523077
Sand, Brick & Aggregates
Sagaing-Min Kon St, Lat Pan Village,, Sagaing Township, Sagaing , Myanmar
09-780255457, 09-788899912